Let Kids Be Kids - article from PCANSW

26 Feb 2017 by Wendy Saywell

The Let Kids Be Kids campaign is primarily a series of videos of children and young people, along with Australia sporting icons, talking about their sporting experiences and the harmful impact of poor adult behaviour. Get behind the Let Kids Be Kids campaign in your Club!

We don’t need to tell you that poor adult behaviour is an ongoing issue at kids sport. Whether it’s adult pressure, bad sportsmanship, yelling on the sidelines or abuse, it’s a constant shame which negatively affects kids and sport as a whole.

In 2017, Play by the Rules will focus on the issue, through their new Let Kids be Kids campaign. Let Kids be Kids will launch 27 February across Australia, and will continue to roll out in the months to come.

Fitting perfectly with Let Kids be Kids is the successful Shoosh for Kids program, which is a collaborative effort between Office of Sport and State Sporting Organisations to promote positive sideline behaviour to their members, clubs and associations.

Read more about both programs below.

The Let Kids Be Kids campaign is primarily a series of videos of children and young people, along with Australian sporting icons, talking about their sporting experiences and the harmful impact of poor adult behaviour.

We want NSW sporting organisations to get behind Let Kids Be Kids – join the movement – create a groundswell of support for stamping out bad adult behaviour at kids sport.

What sporting organisations can do?

Join up as a Let Kids Be Kids partner
Once a partner, you will be able to access all the campaign material – video, audio clips, web banners, social media posts, and other resources
Share these as widely as possible within your networks
Do this via social media, websites, newsletters, at venues, meetings – wherever you can
You’ll get regular updates from Play by the Rules (and we’ll send you some too).
It’s also a good idea to:

Like Play by the Rules on Facebook
Follow Play by the Rules on Twitter
Check out the NEW LOOK Play by the Rules website
Any sports interested in discussing Let Kids Be Kids opportunities further, can contact Shannon Dixon on 8754 8814 or shannon.dixon@sport.nsw.gov.au.

The Shoosh for Kids Winter campaign will kick off in May and promotes positive sideline behaviour at junior sports events. The general rule is, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.

The original initiative was launched in 2015 by the Newcastle Junior Rugby League Association and Country Rugby League which developed from New Zealand’s ‘Let Kids be Kids’ campaign. The campaign was run as a collaborative campaign in regional NSW with six winter sports in 2016. Due to a very positive response from the sports community, a state-wide campaign was investigated and developed for the Summer 16/17 season, with six sports participating, four of which were run state-wide.

During the Shoosh for Kids week participating clubs and associations promote the importance of keeping comments positive at junior sport. Join the conversation at #shooshforkidsweek. The next Shoosh for Kids week will be held in May 2017. Register now for updates.

For more information contact Joanne Barrett on 6362 6623 or joanne.barrett@sport.nsw.gov.au